Septembre 2003 à janvier 2006 : enginee degree from Telecommunications Department at ENSIMAG–ENSERG (INPG Telecom)
Specialized in distributed software and networks.
Graduated in July 2006 with honors.
3rd year program
- Distributed software and Internet servers: Java, J2EE, RMI, JMS, CORBA, servlets, EJB, Tomcat, JOnAS
- Image and audio compression: JPEG, MPEG, MP3
- Future of networks
- Advanced networking: VLAN, bridges, RIP/IGRP/OSPF/BGP routing, congestion control, SNMP, QoS, WLAN, IPv6, mobility, MPLS
- Network security: DES, Triple-DES, AES, RSA, smartcard, Kerberos, PKCS, CDSA, IPSec, PPTP, L2F, L2TP, SSL, WEP, WPA
- Software reliability and testing
- Signaling protocols: SS7, SIP
- Wireless and cellular networking: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, GSM, GPRS, UMTS
2nd year program
- Architecture: MIPS R4000 system bus, pipelines, cache management
- Algorithms: C++, costs calculation and optimization
- Compilers
- Operational search: Simplex algorithm
- Unix: advanced Unix shellscripts
- Performances modeling and evaluation
- Random processes
- Signal processing
- Networks: LAN, IP, ATM, reliability, TCP
- Operating Systems I: overall architecture, process management, interruptions, files management
- Operating Systems II: memory management, paging, deadlock, distributed systems
- Object-oriented modeling and analysis: UML
- Database management systems: SQL, Oracle, JDBC
- Protocols validation: SDL
- Digital data transmission
1st year program
- Automata: Turing machines
- Semiconductor devices: transistors, diodes
- Graphs: shortest path finding algorithms
- Mathematics: analytical bases for signal processing
- Electromagnetic waves
- Probability and statistics
- Codes theory: Huffman, Shannon, Lempel-Ziv, PKI, CRC
- Computers architecture
- Digital circuits design: logical gates, Karnot tables
- Electronics
- Hardware description languages: VHDL
- Transmission and modulation systems
- Algorithms 1 : ADA
- Algorithms 2 : object-oriented programming, Java
- Low-level software: C, IA-32/x86 assembler
- Networks: HTTP, FTP, SMTP
January 2004 : accounting training
September 2001 to June 2003 : preparatory classes for engineering school at Lycée Kléber (Strasbourg)
Mathematics, Physics, Engineer Science and Computer Science
June 2001 : bachelor of science
Mathematics major, biology minor